SPEAK 2009 Video
SPEAK on Broadcast Radio
Press Release from Governor Martin O'Malley
Former Governor
Robert Ehrlich
The Maryland Youth
Crisis Hotline
National Suicide
Support Groups
The National Suicide Hotlines
Maryland Suicide Prevention Commission
SPEAK on Facebook
Bev Cobain/Jean Larch 'Dying To Be Free'

Linda Goldman
'Coming Out,
Coming In'

Goldman's Great Answers to Difficult Questions about Sex

Nancy Rappaport
'In Her Wake'

- Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15-19 year olds.
- In the United States, a young person completes suicide every hour and fifty-three minutes every day of the year.
- For every two murders in the USA, there are three completed suicides.
- Youth suicide is largely preventable.
- With increased awareness of the warning signs of youthful suicide, the chances increase that a suicide can be prevented.
- There are resources available to support families facing a suicidal crisis.
- Threats to take one's life
- Drawings or writings about one's death
- High risk behaviors, endangering one's life
- Dramatic changes in appearance
- Withdrawal from family/friends
- Increased use of drugs or alcohol
- Changes in eating and/or sleeping habits
- Previous suicidal gestures/attempts
- Giving away prized possessions, making a will or plans for one's funeral
- History of depression: ninety percent of those who complete suicides suffer from it
- A sense of being overwhelmed by problems
- Angry at the world for wrongs suffered
- Feeling that others do not care about their problems
- Helpless to change a situation they see as hopeless
- Fantasies of revenge, poor communications about their own needs
- Impulsive, poor problem-solving skills
- Perfectionistic, rigid thinker
- Difficulties with discipline in school and/or with the law in the community
- May have experienced abuse
- Living in the midst of conflict in home or school
- May be a victim of bullying/harassment
- Living in a home where firearms are readily accessible
- Suicide of a close friend/relative