SPEAK 2009 Video
SPEAK on Broadcast Radio
Press Release from Governor Martin O'Malley
Former Governor
Robert Ehrlich
The Maryland Youth
Crisis Hotline
National Suicide
Support Groups
The National Suicide Hotlines
Maryland Suicide Prevention Commission
SPEAK on Facebook
Bev Cobain/Jean Larch 'Dying To Be Free'

Linda Goldman
'Coming Out,
Coming In'

Goldman's Great Answers to Difficult Questions about Sex

Nancy Rappaport
'In Her Wake'

- My Son, My Son: A Guide to Healing After a Suicide in the Family (Bolton, I with Mitchell, C., 1984, Atlanta: Bolton Press)
- Stronger than Death (Chance, S., 1992, New York: W.W. Norton)
- Words I Never Thought to Speak (Alexander, V., 1991, New York: Lexington Press)
- Suicide Survivors: A Guide for Those Left Behind (Wrobleski, A., 1991, Afterwords Publishing) A mother's personal experience of suicide grief and healing.
- Life and Loss: A Guide to Help Grieving Children, 2nd Ed. (Goldman, L.)
- Breaking the Silence: A Guide to Help Children with Complicated Grief, Suicide, Homicide, AIDS, Violence and Abuse (Goldman, L.)
- Breaking the Silence (Hartley, M., with Commire, A. 1991, New York: Signet)
- Everything to Live For (White Bowden, S.) A mother writes about the suicides of her husband and son.
- From a Healing Heart (White Bowden, S.) White Bowden's second book about her recovery from her husband's and son's suicides.
- How I Stayed Alive When My Brain Was Trying to Kill Me by Susan Rose Blauner
- No Time to Say Goodbye by Carla Fine
- Suicide of My Son: The Story of Childhood Depression by Trudy Carlson
- No One Saw My Pain: Why Teens Kill Themselves by Andrew Slaby
- In Her Wake: A Child Psychiatrist Explores the Mystery of Her Mother's Suicide by Nancy Rappaport
- When Nothing Matters Anymore (Cobain, Bev, R.N.C., 1998: Free Spirit Publishing, Inc.) The cousin of Kurt Cobain, a rock star who died by suicide, writes of teens problems and how to find solutions.
- Bart Speaks Out; Breaking the Silence on Suicide: An Interactive Story for Children (Goldman, L.)
- Hooway for Woodney Wat (Lester, Helen with Munsinger, Lyn, 1999: Houghton Mifflin Company)
- After A Suicide: An Activity Book for Grieving Kids by The Dougy Center