SPEAK 2009 Video
SPEAK on Broadcast Radio
Press Release from Governor Martin O'Malley
Former Governor
Robert Ehrlich
The Maryland Youth
Crisis Hotline
National Suicide
Support Groups
The National Suicide Hotlines
Maryland Suicide Prevention Commission
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Bev Cobain/Jean Larch 'Dying To Be Free'

Linda Goldman
'Coming Out,
Coming In'

Goldman's Great Answers to Difficult Questions about Sex

Nancy Rappaport
'In Her Wake'

- Take suicidal threats seriously. It costs nothing if you are wrong; it may be the difference of a life if you are right.
- Be an "askable" parent. Make it clear that problems can be shared and concerns will be listened to through open discussion.
- Act when you suspect that something is wrong with your child. Think the unimaginable and be relieved if you are wrong.
- Avoid the trap of denial that surrounds suicide. (Such as: "Oh, he's just looking for attention.")
- Recognize that depression is a very real problem for young people; it is not a problem that will go away on its own.
- Seek professional help when warning signs are detected. Be willing to participate in family counseling to support your child.
- Create a positive family climate.
- Ask "What did you mean when you said, I wish I were dead"?
- Examine recent problems with your child. Assure him/her that you have sensed his/her pain and hurt, and promise to look together for solutions. Follow through!
- When a suicide is threatened, find out the plan for the suicide, the means considered being used, and the young person's access to the means.
- Assure your child that you will do what it takes to keep him/her alive; he/she must promise to work with you.
- Point out that most problems are temporary setbacks; suicide is forever.
- Discuss concerns with the school's counselor, school social worker, or psychologist.
- A therapist, who can see him/her immediately.
- Community Mental Health Agencies in Baltimore County.
- Hospital emergency room with a psychiatric unit.