SPEAK 2009 Video
SPEAK on Broadcast Radio
Press Release from Governor Martin O'Malley
Former Governor
Robert Ehrlich
The Maryland Youth
Crisis Hotline
National Suicide
Support Groups
The National Suicide Hotlines
Maryland Suicide Prevention Commission
SPEAK on Facebook
Bev Cobain/Jean Larch 'Dying To Be Free'

Linda Goldman
'Coming Out,
Coming In'

Goldman's Great Answers to Difficult Questions about Sex

Nancy Rappaport
'In Her Wake'

mdaap.org American Academy of Pediatrics (Maryland Chapter) suicidology.org American Association of Suicidology cdc.gov Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jasonfoundation.com The Jason Foundation childrensgrief.net Linda Goldman, author and speaker nami.org National Association for the Mentally Ill nemahealth.org National Emergency Medical Association nyacyouth.org (gay & lesbian) National Youth Advocacy Coalition nopcas.com National Organization of People of Color Against Suicide nmha.org The National Mental Health Association parentsofsuicide.com Parents of Suicide save.org Suicide Awareness Voices of Education suicideinfo.ca Suicide Information and Education Center
stopcsa.org Stop child sexual abuse 1Lyfe.org 1Lyfe.org: 1 Lyfe at a time http://www.hopeline.com/ Kristin Brooks Hope Center https://quitday.org/ Help Young Adults and Teens from Smoking http://drugfree.org/ Partnership for Drug - Free Kids https://www.drugrehab.com/addiction/alcohol/ - alcohol and drug abuse disorders increased the risk of suicide attempts by 6 times www.AddictionGuide.com/Resources I spent about a week curating every single possible resource someone dealing with addiction might need in order to regain control of their life.