SPEAK's New Video

SPEAK 2009 Video

SPEAK on Broadcast Radio

Press Release from Governor Martin O'Malley

Former Governor
Robert Ehrlich

The Maryland Youth
Crisis Hotline

National Suicide
Support Groups

The National Suicide Hotlines

Maryland Suicide Prevention Commission

SPEAK on Facebook

Bev Cobain/Jean Larch 'Dying To Be Free'

Linda Goldman
'Coming Out,
Coming In'

Goldman's Great Answers to Difficult Questions about Sex

Nancy Rappaport
'In Her Wake'

Help Our Cause

At present, suicide ranks as the third leading cause of death for young people.
Fortunately, there is a great deal that can be done to prevent suicide.
We invite you to join us as our quest to preserve the lives of our young people.


We are always looking for volunteers to donate their time.
(list tasks, short-term and long-term, pro bono professional services,etc.)


We are also in need of financial support and office supplies for our organization.
A contribution of $52 or $104 represents only $1 or $2 per week.

Donate to SPEAK

All donations to SPEAK are tax deductible

Please feel free to contact us with comments, suggestions, insights,
or information you think we may find useful.


P.O. Box 36802
Baltimore, Maryland 21286